Monday, February 22, 2010

Sometimes you should keep it to yourself

Recently John Mayer has done a couple interviews where he shared a little too much. I am not judging his point of view I say to each his own. I do have a problem with him sharing so much with the whole wide world. Mostly the parts that involved other people namely exgirlfriends. Where is his sense of decorum? Gentlemen do not kiss and tell.

I wish we as a society didnt enjoy the media circus so much. From Britney to Tiger we seem to wallow in their trials and tribulations. Frankly if camaras were on the average person constantly we would see much the same. Everyone has their weaknesses and foibles. We all do things, say things, text things etc. that in the wrong hands would be misconstrued or seem disgusting or preverse.

I honestly did not think Tiger owed any of us an apology. Yea I know he is considered a role model blah blah blah. Well stop having athletes, rock stars and movie stars for role models. Lets be role models for the kids in our lives. My biggest role model growing up was my Dad. I learned how to be a good person from him. He taught me to be honest, to treat others, kindly to be fair to appreciate my family. He did this by example as well as taking time to talk to me. I know I was lucky growing up with lots of extended family, great siblings and involved parents.

I ask that you be mindful of the young people you interact with daily. The smallest moment can have a profound effect on a kid. Think back at moments that stand out from your childhood. You probably will find that some of the smallest interactions had a profound efffect on you positive or negetive.

keep smiling

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines day!

I wish everyone a Happy Valentines Day! I feel lucky to say I have all my siblings, nieces, nephews and friends for valentines. Please spend the day with those you love. Forget about all the commercial aspects and remember the love!

Friday, February 12, 2010


I am in Lanesboro Mn visiting my brother. Such a cute little town nestled in a little valley. The drive here was great, a sunny day! All the snow makes everything look so quaint. The buildings here are older and give that village feel to the place.
So good to arrive to my brothers big smile and just spend time with him. We just talk and talk topics ranging from simple things like food to the state of Americas youth!
We played poker and kicked each others asses, though in the end he won but it was a bad beat! I am lucky to get to spend time with him!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Lots of snow here actually enjoyed shoveling today. Good work out and it was really nice and sunny!
Happy that the Saints won the SuperBowl it actually was a very good game. Commercials kinda sucked. Though loved the Betty White one. She is really awesome, heard there is a campaign to have her the host SNL. I think that could really fun. If I live to be 88 I sure hope I am as sharp.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

lazy day....

Sometimes you just need to sleep in............

Friday, February 5, 2010


Today is one of my brothers birthday! He does not want to really celebrate but to bad he has too! We are having family over to play cards and eat cake. It is always fun when we all get together. There will be other siblings and grown up nieces and in laws. My oldest brother from SDakota will even be here!!
I baked a chocolate cake and will frost it with cream cheese frosting as was requested by the birthday boy! Thought the weather is not cooperating everyone should make it.
I am lucky to have such great brothers! I live with the birthday boy. We bought this house last year together and it has been really fun decorating it and making our home. We both want it to be a place that family comes and gathers. We had Christmas here and it was the best holiday in years!!!!
I know not everybody in the world loves their siblings and that seems really sad to me. I have 8 siblings and 14 nieces and nephews and there isn't a single one I wouldn't love to spend the day with!! We lost both our parents in the last 5 years and the way we are together is a testament to how they raised us. We all work at being good to each other and taking care of each other. I know I am lucky!!
Call your sibling reconnect call your niece or nephew too!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


In line at the grocery not going to even discuss a blip in my day.
I did not have a good day but I still am smiling. I am not crabby or grumpy. The day is almost over and I have already decided tomorrow will be a good day!
As i drift off to sleep I am going to envision my day tomorrow!
It will be a good day!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My shop...

Today i finally got myself to begin cleaning my shop. I moved into this house almost 6 months ago and my shop is just a jumbled mess. As I did project thru out the house and unpacked boxes the shop has become a stopping ground for things. I am constantly clearing out one thing and bringing in another. There are tools, spare furniture and boxes of random things. Makes it sound like a big shop but its not. Just enough room for my desk and tool chest. It will be a challenge to actually use it for building things.
So as I was going through boxes of items to store in my desk I came across the folder holding various things from when my mom passed away. There were a few cards and copies of what the monsignor read as well as from my brother and I. I couldnt help but cry while I went through the folder. My mother passed in 2005 and I still miss her very much. I remember my Mother talking about how much she missed her mom who she lost when she was only 12. At the time of that conversation I had no concept of what it would feel like to lose my Mom. Actually I dont think even now i understand the grief.
And though it made me cry to look at this folder and think of my mom. I also have this really good positive feeling when I think of my family, especially from that week. It was so wonderful to have them all there and my extended family. To see the out pouring of love from her friends and all my siblings friends. No matter the sadness I feel I dont feel unlucky, because I know how very lucky I am. I got to have my mom well into my adult life.
Tell your Mom you love her!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Wont you be my neighbor!

I feel really lucky to have great neighbors! I am kinda new in my neighborhood and from the beginning our neighbor have welcomed us. There are people who have lived here since it was a dirt road! Right next door J&A were one of the first houses built here. They are the sweetest people and have taken us under their wing. I have decided J is King of the neighborhood. He is a kind king who watches over everybody without being in your business. though he is retired and up there in age he take care of his yard with great pride. He also is the Master of the snowblower. Doesn't matter if I wanted to shovel he gets up so early its done before I even know it snowed! He even comes back out after the snow plow has gone by and cleans up the end of the driveway! i love that guy! he likes doing it and shrugs off all my thanks.
Seems like the kind of guy who would wither away if he didnt stay busy. I definitely look to him for advice on my yard and just general neighborhood things. His wife is just as sweet!
Thanks for being such great neighbors J&A!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Good News Report

Every morning I read the paper, some days I just scan most of it and read the sports and comics. Today I took more time, partly because the front page had a story that made me want to write to the editor. As I went through the rest of the paper I noted a few other stories.
The front page story is about a Stearns county Judge. Judge Skipper Pearson issued an unprecedented $1 Million dollar bail on a domestic case. Seems this guy was originally placed in custody for placing a gun in his estranged wife's mouth telling her he was going to kill her & pulled the trigger. Luckily the gun wasn't loaded! The guy was put in jail but made his bail and then broke into his estranged wife's house in the middle of the night. She smartly had installed an alarm system and he was caught. So rather then give him another bail amount he could pay this judge smartly placed the million dollar bail on him with a contingency at $500,000. In other words he could pay that and get out but have to wear a ankle bracelet that would track his moves. There seems to be some outrage that he did such a high bail but I want to THANK Judge Skipper Pearson for recognizing that this guy is dangerous! Surprises me that someone who puts a gun in another persons mouth is even allowed the chance at bail!! I am shocked!! Imagine just for a minute that someone did that to you. Put a gun in your mouth and told you he was going to kill you. He pulled the trigger!! Yeah it wasn't loaded but doubt that would make you feel better afterwards. Just sick!! So thanks Judge Skipper Pearson for taking this extra step to maybe save this woman from anymore torment.
Can we as a society please try to make it a priority to protect each other from violence? Can we make crimes against people that involve violence sexual or physical a priority? Especially against children and elderly! I am so sick of reading stories about sex criminals and domestic violence. Why do we let these people off so easy? Lets stop wasting our law enforcers on busting pot heads and filling jails with them. Lets do more to deal with criminals who hurt people who violate other peoples lives!! Lets teach our kids to treat each other better and not tolerate those who don't!

Other news:
I also read about a cat that lives in a nursing home. Oscar tends to stay away from people but curls up next to the ones near death. According to the staff he roams the halls checking on everyone and will curl up in the bed of those who are close to death. If he cant get in the room he will sit outside scratching to get in. Staff knows to call family when Oscar has settled in a residents room. I like the idea of him sitting with them so they are not alone as they pass. A small comfort for that person.
Apparently President Obama is going to act on one of his campaign promises! He is working to repeal "Don't ask Don't tell". Since there are pending cases heading to the Supreme Court they have realized they don't want to defend the constitutionality of this law he opposes. About time! Its stupid and does not work.

Keep smiling and work to be the reason someone else smiles today!!!