Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ride that wave...

Doing my best to stay on the wave of positivity that has hit. The sunshine is helpful! I had fun tuesday hanging with my nephews and cute little niece. I am always rewarded with their antics and love.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday Monday!

There is something to be said for pretending Monday is Sunday. Thats what I did today I slept in, made a big breakfast and took my time reading the paper then I switched to a Monday. I got my errands done then went hardcore with yard work! Mowed, edged, pruned and pulled weeds! It was nice to be physical and have a sunny day.
I enjoyed a beautiful actual Sunday yesterday, though I did not do the regular routine. I got up early and golfed surrounded by fluffy white clouds trimmed with brilliant blue sky and lush green fairways. I golfed my best score of the year thanks to a fabulous back nine. Felt good to be active and was the first day that my mouth wasn't forefront in my mind. I feel good continuing the activity with my yard work and an awkward bike ride. It was awkward because I am out of shape and haven't rode a bike in a couple years. But its just like riding a bike....heehee.

I have no doubt I will be sore tomorrow -price I am willing to pay to feel as good as I do right now.

Keep Smiling.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Little kids!

I was lucky to have my sisters kids over last Saturday as well as my good friend Mikes family. We spent the afternoon in the back yard running around and swinging on the hammock. I laughed a lot and couldn't stop smiling. I am so lucky!

fun pictures and such of the Saturday afternoon at this blog:

Keep smiling!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

so long ago....

Finally an update about damn time!
Yeah I know its been a while...
Its just so hard to log in and well there have been so many other thigns to distract me...
yeah yeah yeah excuses excuses...
Thats all I got are excuses...I sure dont have any idea for what to write. I suppose I could speak of the horrific pulling of teeth or perhaps the family fun in Milwaukee or the family sadness...perhaps spin tales of my yard work adventures...but a lass I have been way to lazy to write all those things on this blog.
Gosh I am lame!
Doesn't matter I am writing now and hopefully I will write again soon. Its all about baby steps. Got to get back into the groove and strive to be more productive. I am done with the beating myself up thing i accept that sometimes I am just plain lazy. An underachiever! Though it is not exactly true to say I have been doing nothing because I have had lots of fun in the last month and a half but I just haven't had the gumption to write it down when I am done.

i shall strive to report better!

keep smiling!